Thursday, April 15, 2010

Three month follow up time!

I so love that I get to see my surgeon this time. I like Ed (the PA at the practice), but there's nothing quite like seeing the guy who did the deed. I love my surgeon. Dr. Irgau is amazing - sweet, knowledgable, encouraging. He is the type of person that when you're freaking out, he'll put your mind at ease....and you never doubt that he knows his stuff. My 3 month appt was great. From his initial numbers, I'm down 59# total - I started with him after I had lost a bit, so my total is 76#, but he was thrilled with his nonetheless. The biggest things that have changed in the last 3 months? 1. I am no longer borderline diabetic! My fasting blood sugar before surgery was 105, on my re-eval, it was 81!

2. My high blood pressure is no more! From 160's/80's to 110/70. People would pay good money for pressure like that!

3. I have more energy than before.... it's incredible. I no longer feel like crawling into bed and dying after a day's work. I have energy to grocery shop, go out, do my Wii Fit, anything!

4. My outlook on the future.... I now find myself saying, "when I lose the weight, I will..." rather than "IF I lose the weight I might be able to..."'s quite a change in attitude....

So, I don't have to go back for 3 more months..... And who knows what my numbers will be then. I can hardly wait.

Thanks for reading! May be out of commission for a while.... moving into the apartment this heading to Scranton to celebrate my seester's birthday! Have a great weekend...and I'll catch you all later.

Laur =)

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