Saturday, March 27, 2010

House hunting - part 4 was pretty good. We found another house we love, down in Townsend, DE - for a good price. So, we're putting in an offer. The selling realtor did mention that someone else has bid on it as well, making the possibility of a bidding war imminent. Curious.... we shall see what comes of it. If it's meant to be, it's meant to be. I LOVE the house - and I hope we definitely get it. It was really the ONLY one today that we liked enough to make an offer. We'll see.

On a WLS note - the scale was down 1 today - but only after I moved the scale to another location in the bathroom. Very strange. IDK. All I know is that the size 22 jeans fit - and I'm thrilled with the new me. I tried whole wheat pasta for dinner sat like a rock. Don't know if I'll be doing that again. It tasted good, that's for sure, but if it's going to make me feel like crap? Not worth it. We'll see.

Thanks for reading! More tomorrow, likely - I hate waiting until Monday for the news on the house....hope it's good! =)

Me =)

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