Wednesday, March 31, 2010

First major reaction to a food since surgery - ick!

I actually had to go home from work. I got so nauseous, flushed, and slimy mouthed that I thought I was going to vomit right there in the clinic.

I was given the green light to eat Lean Cuisine like meals for lunch - so I went off to WalMart and got me some Healthy Choice meals. So far, so good - until the dreaded whole grain rice incident of 2010.

Okay, I will admit, I have been told in the past that people historically have problems tolerating rice - but I have had ZERO reactions to food - in the way of nausea. I didn't eat much of the rice - only 1 forkfull at the end of my meal - and whatever was stuck to my chicken.... and it was all good.....until 12:45 (I ate at 11:30). All of a sudden, in mid sentence with my patient, I got flushed and nauseated....and really felt faint. I got SCARED. I didn't know whether to "scratch my watch or wind my butt" as Dolly said in Steel Magnolias. I couldn't sit still, couldn't walk around, couldn't figure out WHAT to do.

Now here is where I have to say I have the most amazing staff in the entire universe. They just kept telling me to go sit down - they'd take care of the patients.....and I came home early...... it took a good 2.5 hours to feel remotely normal again. I will never eat rice again. At least not anytime soon. I will never forget the feeling it gave me.....nor do I want to duplicate it again. Oy.

Thanks for reading! <3

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